The Fabric Requirements are for a man who stands 5'6" tall. Add 2"-4" for every 1" of height above 5'6". In 45 inch wide fabric purchase: 2-7/8 Yds. for sizes 28"-34" and 3 Yds. for sizes 36"-52". In 60 inch wide fabric purchase 2 yds. for sizes 28"-34" and 2-7/8 Yds. for sizes 36"-52".
Fabrics: The original trouser color is dark navy blue ground with a horizontal robin's egg blue stripe spaced 2" apart and dark sky blue vertical stripe spaced 1-1/2" and 3/4" apart. The fabric is a wool tricot. Substitute fabrics are: Bottom weight, plain woven wool or broadcloth, in solid colors or heather, even or uneven stripe, plaid or check. Twill weaves such as basket and herringbone are also appropriate. Do not purchase worsted. It does not shrink easily.
Notions: The original lining and facing fabric is a heavily glazed tightly woven dark brown cotton. The pocketing is a bottom weight tightly woven medium weight white plain weave cotton. The canvas facing is a medium weight tightly woven unbleached plain weave linen. Of 45" wide fabric cut - Lining: 3/8 Yd. Pocketing: 1/2 Yd. and Linen canvas: Sizes 28-42 - 5/8 Yd., Sizes 44-52 - 7/8 Yd. The original foot straps appear to be 1/6th thick Japanned cow hide leather. Purchase a rectangle of leather that is at least 20"x 13" from which two foot straps can be cut.
One spool of 100% linen 35/2 sewing thread. Four hole reproduction Japanned black metal buttons: six to eight 1/2" for the fly and pocket, seven 5/8" to 3/4" for the waistband and suspenders. The original wool twill tape is an olive green, purchase 1-2/3 Yds. 1/2" wide wool twill tape.
This is a pattern package rich with information. It is divided into seven sections:
Matching Patterns: Wear these Winter Trousers with PP006 Men's Drawers, PP007 Two Mid-Nineteenth Century Shirts, PP018 Single-Breasted Vest and #009 Double-Breasted Paletot.