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Workdress Circa 1836-1855

  • PP017
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Product Description

This Workdress pattern with 3 Sleeves and Collar Options was created from "A Full High Gown, To Open in Front" in the Workwoman's Guide. The cutting instructions and construction by the author were adequate  for 1836 but would be difficult for today's sewer to understand. To make it easier to sew, the construction and sewing techniques used in original nineteenth century work  dresses found in private museum collections were copied.  According to the author a full high gown that opens in front is  "particularly suitable for house-maids, dairy or kitchen-maids, char and washerwomen; they should be made of the strongest print, . . . It is  bad economy to buy a cheap poor material for a working dress, under the  idea that it will do very well for common purposes, when they should  stand a good deal of wear and tear."

The gathered bodice is secured by the  lining. If you do not want a gathered bodice you may cut a bodice using the lining pattern pieces. The fashion fabric and lining are then sewn as one or as we say today the bodice is flat lined.  Accompanying the dress pattern is a large short sleeve, a smaller short sleeve, a long sleeve and collar. All were described as appropriate to wear with the work dress. 

The fabric requirements in 45" width: The 1836-1842 View (left): Sizes 8-14 needs 6-7/8 Yds., 16-20 needs 7 Yds., 22-26 needs 8-1/4 Yds.   The 1843-1855 View (right) - Sizes 8-14 needs 6-1/2 Yds., 16-20 needs 6-5/8 Yds., 22-26 needs 7-7/8 Yds.

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  1. Looking forward to sewing this 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 12th Feb 2018

    I need a dress for the mid to late Victorian era to wear as a bobbin lace maker. I think it will do just fine.